_______________________________________________ MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION DENIED: July 7, 1995 _______________________________________________ GSBCA 13176-R DOROTHEA BARBEE, Appellant, v. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, Respondent. Dorothea Barbee, pro se, Fort Worth, TX. Jerry Ann Foster, Office of Regional Counsel, General Services Administration, Fort Worth, TX, counsel for Respondent. Before Board Judges DEVINE, WILLIAMS, and VERGILIO. VERGILIO, Board Judge. On June 16, 1995, the Board received from Dorothea Barbee this motion for reconsideration of the decision denying her appeal involving a vehicle auction. In the underlying opinion, the Board concluded that Ms. Barbee attended the auction, submitted the successful bid on the given vehicle, and failed to pay for (and remove) the vehicle. The Board determined that the agency properly deemed Ms. Barbee to be in default under the contract and to be liable to the agency in the amount of $920 plus interest as dictated under the contract. Barbee v. General Services Administration, GSBCA 13176 (May 16, 1995). In the request for reconsideration, Ms. Barbee again asserts that she did not sign the bid card. Her submission raises no new basis of fact or law to support reconsideration. Rule 32. Accordingly, the Board DENIES THE MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION. ______________________________ JOSEPH A. VERGILIO Board Judge We concur: ______________________________ ______________________________ DONALD W. DEVINE MARY ELLEN COSTER WILLIAMS Board Judge Board Judge